Juneteenth provides an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the idea of Freedom within the African-American community, as well as highlight some of the historical events that have led to our current cultural environment. Learning about the experiences of our African-American colleagues through history, genealogy, culture and food will garner a better understanding of our diverse experiences and contributions, and how these contributions have defined the idea of Freedom in American culture.

PULSE presents a three-day event celebrating Juneteenth - hosted by PULSE Be Well and PULSE Connect

Nutritional Freedom

Thursday, June 17 - 11am PST

One of the highlights of Juneteenth is the food! This event will feature a live cooking demonstration and healthy eating tips from a nutritionist. The eBook “Feeding the Soul”, featuring recipes from PULSE members, will be distributed.

April Hollar 
Ariana Burrell

Registration is required.

Name Admin Short Name
Nutritional Freedom hosted by PULSEThursday, June 17th at 11:00AM -12:00PM (PST) / 2:00PM -3:00PM (EST)

Trouble registering? Please email MUFG Events.
Need to contact PULSE? Please email PULSE_National@unionbank.com.